Lyric discussion by EricTheBikeman 

This song is about Morrissey's rejection of Christianity and organized religion in general - he's sending a message that you don't need religion to be a good, moral, loving person.

The lyrics could really apply to anyone who isn't part of the in-group and is OK with it, but I think a few choice words make it pretty clear he's having a go at the church:

"And I don't need you or your morality to save me No, no, no, no, no" - Claiming a knowledge of superior morality is an old chestnut of the church, as is the concept of being saved by adherence to a particular "moral standard" or set of rules.

"I find I'm OK by myself And I don't need you or your benevolence to make sense" - The concept of 'Benevolence' is very commonly associated with religion. It seems like it would be an odd word choice if one didn't want to impart a religious context to the song.

"After all these years I find I'm OK by myself And I don't need you Or your homespun philosophy" - Again, probably a dig at some of the church's ambiguous, poorly constructed, or otherwise lackluster philosophical arguments.

"This might make you throw up in your bed: I'm OK by myself!" - Maybe a reference to Linda Blair? In any case, many people who claim strong religious affiliation find the concept of an Atheist or non-believer completely distasteful, and reactions of disgust or hatred are not uncommon.

I think given that Moz has other songs that bang on religion (I have forgiven Jesus) I think it's fairly likely that this is one as well.

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