Lyric discussion by falang 

There's no hooker context. That's Sundown by another Gordie. It's just Gordie being Gordie - random and poetic. The lyrics become personal when they're this cryptic.

falang: I repectfully (and with grace, too) disagree. total pro = hooker.

The way I see it =

The lady is a, erm, "paid intimate professional", rich guy tries to woo her out of industry, she can't imagine leaving the life she is in, and/or he gets the idea that it is more than it is, but "that is what (she) is there for" to make you believe that.


I admit when I'm wrong, and I was completely wrong here. I see and wholeheartedly agree with your interpretation. Thank you for your humble correction. I live abroad and have encountered such pros - I should have known better!

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