Lyric discussion by babyghostrogue 

This song is something serene, almost ethereal. It's like he realizes he and everyone around him is getting older and he doesn't like it. Maybe he feels he's aging faster than the person he's talking to and the person is afraid to move forward in life and get older. Because growing older means a new set of responsibiliies and expectations. Moving into the cold may not mean moving on towards the afterlife, but into the coldness that exists in the real world. Maybe instead of an adult becoming an old man, it's a child becoming an adult. That's supported by the parts that sound like they're describing the birth of a child. And he's giving the advice in the chorus saying 'don't be afraid to speak, you don't need to be guided anymore so don't let people try and control you. And if you don't apply this advice you'll remain fearful of the future'. I feel he's accepted the fact that he's getting older and is trying to help those around him who haven't accepted it. It sounds sorrowful in the song's tone, but it lifts itself up beautifully halfway through.

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