Lyric discussion by smallpebble 

It may not have been intentional on their part, but there's also another very interesting connection with this song. The word 'seether' is derived from and related to the Old Norse word 'seiðr' (pronounced 'SAY-ther'), which is basically the shamanic mystical tradition of Northern Germanic heathenry and was traditionally practiced by women. A seiðu is a practitioner of seiðr, and that word is also related via their common Indo-European origins to 'saddhu', the Sanskrit word designating a 'holy man' in India. So the way 'seether' is described in this song is very closely descriptive of the energy-states experienced by someone practicing seiðr. 'Boiling water' and 'seething' are also ideas used by the South African !Kung tribe ('bushmen') to describe their trance-energy state achieved by ecstatic dancing. It can't be fought, it boils up within you, is both calm/healing but also powerful and dangerous (analogous to kundalini or "serpent fire"). Try to push it down but you can't - also this is the root of language itself, speaking being a manifestation of that very same energy opening up the throat chakra. And in the song video, many of the images - especially all the cats! - are also very symbolic and indicative of this. It's that ultra-wild, seething, raging, feline, serpent, Kali energy. Absolutely brilliant song imo.

Seether is neither a good or bad song.

@smallpebble You nailed it. Thanks.

@smallpebble oh it’s female Kali energy for sure!

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