Lyric discussion by MaryMaryQuiteContrary 

Gotta agree with Samuentaga. This is about letting go of a relationship that never came to fruition. It's about the pain that accompanies the end of a love that never materialized on the part of the other party. At least with death there is finality and one is forced to move on, but with unrequited love there is the hope that must first die before one can let go enough to begin a new life alone. "We're living at the mercy of the pain and the fear" is a GREAT line. It's scary to have to relinquish a dream when you don't know what the future will hold without that person you love. I really love this song and not just because it has personal meaning to me; there's the guitar part 2/3 of the way through (either bass or electic...I am musically inept) that makes me want to fly each and every time it kicks in.

Well apparently this is the end for you. So you might be waiting for a long time. Longer than me because I'm done waiting. That picture swap didn't last too long. So you lose . HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Sweet relief. In yo face. In yo face. Nothing else to say to you b-babe but yoru clueless. And I win because I was right

You my friend must feel like a NUMBER ONE Jack ASS. Don't you know that about him, he likes when women are bitchy to him, hello Mcfly? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.I'M OUT OF HERE JUST THOUGHT I'D LEAVE THAT BITTER TASTE IN YORU MOUTH. HOW DOES IT FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL?

I wouldn't hold yoru bearth because you'll be holding it forever. Cha ching batta bing schawing. I don't even care if you respond or what you have to say because I wa right and you were and are wrong. He'll never be with the person he really loves because he's a coward. PEACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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