Lyric discussion by playitloud253 

I think it's "wading waist deep, I saw a book there in the river", not "waiting..." but it's no big deal.

I think the book referenced in the song is the book of Law in the bible. The more he tries to keep the law by himself, he sinks deeper in the water, until finally Christ pulls him up and saves him by perfectly keeping the law, something that he (the speaker) couldn't do by himself: "someone took that heavy book from my hands/all its weight they set aside/after they had satisfied its demands"

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or genuine. But, yes, that's precisely what I believe it means.

I think you are exactly right. This is my favorite song on the whole album!

Awesome song. playitloud, do you have a scripture reference to this? I am in no way questioning, just want to read it! Thanks!

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