Lyric discussion by fallenpandora 

I think its pretty simply about the situation in general girl likes teacher and the teacher feels the attraction back and is trying to resist it. Ive been the girl in this situation..... ultimately it ended up as a short affair and alot of sneaking around, after i graduated we kept in contact for a while but it all kinda cooled off....and one thing i think was that i felt like i was using a manipulating him way more then he ever did me.

interesting thing to ponder tho....i was 17 at the time....not a minor and he was 25....i probably wouldnt have thought this was anything to do with paedophilia.....i think it would be hard for a young guy teaching and being around attractive girls all the time who throw themselves at him.....i feel way more sorry for the teacher then the child.....maybe thats what hes trying to point out....that sometimes its not the teacher being creepy and controlling....its the girl being crazy and in loveand willing to do anything...

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