Lyric discussion by rochey1 

I find this song so meaningful.....I personally think it's about being unsure about yourself in Love, and being afraid you are going to pass your destiny/soulmate by, and not realize until it's too late :((

"You're my distant destination of choice I'd give anything Just to hear your voice"

I think he's lonely cause he wants to meet his 'distant destination'/future Love now...He wants to hear that persons voice....There's a 'yearning' for this person that he hasn't met yet.

"I could have passed you on the street Without saying a word Most times I miss the voice that goes unheard"

He's afraid he could of met this person in the past and been oblivious to them...He's lost, cause life seems to pass him by.

"What if I missed you You got caught in the sun What if I did something Never to be undone"

I love this whole 'chorus'......I love the symbolism of 'caught in the sun' the 'glare' of the sun can blind you for that split second, and you can't see anything, even your destiny....He's afraid he might alter his path and not meet this person.

"People everywhere How could I be sure If it's you That I have been looking for"

'People everywhere' I love this too.....his Love is out there in a sea of people and he's calling on everyone wondering who it is <33

"What would it take for me To be comfortable With you, with me You're the chosen one"

Maybe he's had relationships before that he he left for 'various' reasons....He's prob afraid that he could of had his love, and not realized it cause of those 'various' reasons.

"You are there for me This I hope and pray You will wait for me I won't be too late"

I love how spiritual this is...This guy believes in faith/destiny...that his path is laid out for him...He hopes this 'soulmate' is yearning for the 'one' too, and that he turns out to be this 'one'....

It's so sweet and Romantic...It makes me wanna find mine.....It's special when music touches you...Those songs need to be held onto <33

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