Lyric discussion by MaryMaryQuiteContrary 

Gotta laugh at the comment that drugs "expand your mind." Not sure how many non-prescribed ones have that effect ;) I beleive the song is about sex for the sake of having sex...empty, love-less sex. And I believe he knows that what he is doing is wrong (with regard to his partner) and he feels shame for his actions. Not that he'll stop, of course;) It sounds as though he is in emotional pain and sex is what soothes it (temporarily). Fascinating lyrics.

I still agree with this interpretation, but people have every right to do as they please, especially if they are single. Hopefully they'll do as they please while not knowingly hurting their sexual partners. I believe sex should be a refection of love between two people, or at least respect, but society has changed and people have moved further away from God's teaching and more toward instant gratification and the self as center. Just hopefully the couple is honest with one another prior to going to bed.

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