Lyric discussion by Thoughtfulone 

I saw a documntary in the 80's on how the US Military sent special forces on brain-washing camps. The active exercises where that you were captured by Oriental looking serving US solders and put thru interrogation, torture and humiliation techniques. As one of the interviewed 'Vets' said 'you ended up hating anyone oriental looking and just wanted to kill them' - programmed for Nam. The documentary met up with a group of Vets of the Nam war who were living in a forest in the US who were afraid to integrate with the community as they were afraid of their anger - that may cause them to kill the civilians now they we back from the war. As they said - they were programmed by the Goverment and then just left with no rehab. The Rambo character was probably seeded from these sort of guys. Running Gun Blues was written in the time of that war and before Rambo. I wander how those guys are today - hopfully time heals.....

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