Lyric discussion by FractledMind 

I myself take no part in religion, you can call me an atheist if you want but I just consider myself nothing, non-theist, no religion.

But The Devil Wears Prada is one of my favorite bands, how does that work? because Mike's a smart dude. He's not your typical "blindly follow a major religion" christian. Yes he is poking fun at Scientology, but its bigger than that. To me he's poking fun at religion in general, saying that people follow it like a fad. People give up the right to think for themselves when they follow a religion in this way. Mike is even angry about Christianity, as the majority of Christians are "caught up in the numbers" as he states in Sassafras.

Yea Mike is a Christian and he believes in Jesus, but he is in it for the real reasons, the reason of love and forgiveness. When it all comes down to it, every religion has the same core values, but for me, I can respect those values without having to believe in a man in the sky.

Sorry if I offended anyone I know most of the people in this thread are Christians. Thought it would be good for you guys to here the view point from an Atheist who still loves The Devil Wears Prada. Seen this band seven times now, and I scream every fucking word with Mike.

So many never listen! And I drown in disgust.

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