Lyric discussion by groovyfriday 

MY COMMENTS ARE IN ( ): "Sometimes life seems to quiet into paralyzing silence Like the moonless dark, meant to make me strong. Familiar breath of my old lies Changed the color in my eyes Soon he will perferate the fabric of the peaceful by and by (I think she is talking about how she caught herself going back to her negative lifestyle)

Sorrow lasts through this night I'll take this piece of you, and hold for all eternity For just one second I felt whole... as you flew right through me. (I think here she is saying that the sorrow/sadness will last through this particular night where she felt God/Jesus present and she felt whole for just that time the feeling flew right through her and was gone. She only hopes to feel that one second for all eternity.

Left alone with only reflections of the memory (here she's alone remembering that euphoric feeling) To face the ugly girl that's smothering me. (she had this experience, but realizes she is left to face herself as a human and only she can change her life from this point) Sitting closer than my pain... He knew each tear before it came, (She realizes that God/Jesus knows her pain) And soon he will perforate the fabric of the peaceful by and by

We kiss each other one more time And sing this lie that's half way mine (these lines make me think that it's her last time to "tango with the devil" so to speak cuz she has decided now to finally move forward and rid herself of the pain) The sword is slicing through the questions so I won't be fooled By his angel light.. (She won't be fooled and swayed into doing drugs or killing herself or anything that causes her pain anymore. "His Angel light" is the deception of the drugs, perhaps the negative people she was hanging with that she partied with etc. This is the fallen angel's light that lured her into the pain, far enough that she was going to end her life. Now she will not fail to recognize deception and won't allow pain in her life anymore.

Sorrow lasts through this night I'll take this piece of you and for all eternity For just one second I felt whole as you flew right though me and up into the stars Joy will come. (Christ will come)

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