Lyric discussion by krisko6 

This is definitely a better song musically than lyrically. Thankfully, the music is so good that it makes the lyrics seem far better than they actually are. This will certainly be one of my favorite mainstream hit singles of 2011, regardless of what anyone says about it.

This song seems to be about the liberating, revolutionizing power of music. In the first verse, the song's narrator describes the feeling of losing himself in a great song, to the point that he completely forgets about his world, at least until his reality comes to smack him in the gut. "Until Monday feels another life, I turn the music up". The second verse shows us that music is the narrator's form of rebellion- against his reality, regardless of how well things are going for him at the time. "In the Black, on my knees, in the gap between two trapezes" I actually think that the trapezes is a great metaphor for being in-between two extremes.

The second half of the song is much more cryptic, however, and is where things start to fall apart lyrically. I still haven't a clue as to what "Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall" is supposed to mean, and it's kind of odd for a song to have that title when it's this uplifting. I think that the chorus is attempting to describe the cathartic experiences that the narrator feels when listening to music, and the take-on-the-world confidence it builds in him, but I'm not entirely sure if Martin actually wanted to say something here or if he was just making stuff up. Still, a great song from Coldplay, and the summer's best song so far.

Cryptic =/= Worse, mate.

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