Lyric discussion by sapphireskies 

I love how simple the lyrics to this song are, like:

"I like the preacher from the Church of Christ/ I'm sorry that I cried when I talked to you last night."

Because when you're recovering from any kind of addiction, it's the little things you celebrate. You're truly learning to live life without that addiction, and it's like being a child in a lot of ways. You're learning social skills that you should have learned years ago, but turned to a crutch instead. I was proud of myself when I could simply go to a bar, have a few drinks, and not score cocaine, and still have a good time.

"You know your Daddy told me when I left, Jesus may forgive, but a Daddy don't forget." <~ Frickin' amen. My dad, to this day, still won't even let me speak about my ex because of how much he hates my ex.

This song ALWAYS makes me cry. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Sorry, "Jesus WOULD forgive" <~ My bad w/ the typo

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