Lyric discussion by BabyIWasBornThisWay 

To me this song is all about female empowerment and being a strong woman on your own, making your own way and generally being fierce.

I don't think any other artist could get away with writing a song in their own made up version of a widely recognised other language, but Gaga does it and it's just cute, I think mostly because she speaks about her desire to be able to speak german. "I don't speak German but I can if you like" "I don't speak German but I wish I could"

I also think her inability to speak German metaphorically works alongside her frustration at how hard it is to be a strong, independent lady, as both seem to lead her to frustration and however hard she may find it, she's trying her best to do both and is doing it her own way.

For this reason I think her making her own German sounding language is actually a big homage to the German language, like it's something she's aspiring to learn. I heard somewhere that Germany, especially Berlin, is one of GaGa's favourite places.

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