Lyric discussion by emergingsynergy 

The idea of god is that it is something huge and over all there is, even over the largest thing: the ocean, which is huge and ineffable and full of life. This is from god's perspective, this song. She is so large, he is over the empire....

And if that idea, of a god over all, can prevail; if it is an idea that "belongs" in the face of all time, then god will be around longer than reason and science. AND god will be used, as always, by those who pursue and conquer and become empire; and by those who remain weak, and meek, in the face of the evil and cruelty that is sometimes a part of life and almost always a sign of power.

But, if "I am wrong," if the meek shall not inherit the earth by being meek; then, and only then perhaps, will the mighty and strong be rejected and the meek will indeed prevail.

OR>>>> Maybe the song is about . . . SATAN!

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