Lyric discussion by visitingangel 

Cover art for Ceremony lyrics by Joy Division

There are in fact three known recorded versions of "Ceremony" by Joy Division with Ian Curtis on vocals. The first is a live version from JD's last ever concert. It is on the "Still" album. Most of Ian's vocals are inaudible due to a faulty microphone and the sound crew not starting the tape until the song was already underway. There is also supposedly another recorded version from the same date and venue taped during the afternoon sound check for the concert. It is supposedly circulating among JD tape collectors.

The other known recording is the so-called "studio" version. It's not really a proper studio recording at all though. It was recorded in the bands rehearsal loft (with no audience) on Peter Hook's portable tape deck. It was just a practice session for the upcoming public debut of the song. This recording is the one that is released on the "Heart & Soul" box set.

The vocals on this version are not very well recorded and it is difficult, if not impossible to make out most of the lyrics but it is quite clear that they are substantially different from the lyrics on the New Order version. Bernard Sumner has commented that they could not find any written copy of the lyrics left by Ian and that the remaining band members played and replayed the rehearsal tape over and over to try to make them out. Unable to do this though, they simply made up some new lyrics to fill in the blanks.

Accordingly, any attempt to decipher the true meaning of the song and lyrics, as written by Ian, will be an excersise in futility unless and until some written copy of the genuine lyrics ever turn up

"Galaxie 500" I think had the best interpretation of the song. But that's just me.