Lyric discussion by mrsfollowill10 

I agree!! i thought no one would see the song that way. i think it talks about alienating to the point you can't even recognize yourself anymore. in a sort of dream-like way he's facing his own fears and sides to himself he thought had dissapeared long ago.he blames himself for being the man who ripped his world appart. then he comes to face not only parts of him but his entire being is empty (We must have died alone, a long long time ago)for he is nothing but the sum of everything he once was that now he's not. then who is he? he lack of meaning, the sense of death and loss caused by the many parts of himself he has lost in the way lead him to the point where he doesn't feel a person anymore. the nirvana version gives me chills every time i hear it. there's just something in kurt's way of singing it that feels mindblowing. orgasmic. no words to describe it.

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