Lyric discussion by michael2150 

This song is about being your own person and explains that everyone is beautiful. Everyone defines beauty as what is seen in media like magazines or E!, but the beautiful people are lying when they say that this dress is 'in' or people don't wear 'those' anymore...hence the name. Referring to the saying, "Beauty is only skin deep," Sixx: A.M. successfully explains that beauty isn't just on the outside because it's the uniqueness people possess that make them beautiful. People should be their own person and not care what others think.

I am very excited to listen to their new album, This Is Gonna Hurt. However, after previewing a minute and twenty seconds of each song on iTunes, I was not disappointed, but it definitely was not the original Sixx: A.M. Hopefully I will be able to understand the lyrics better when the album is released.

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