Lyric discussion by Kaos71 

Cover art for Halo lyrics by Depeche Mode

The guilt and the reverse halo means something different than how I have seen it explained so far by a lot of people. She uses the guilt as a reason not to allow herself to be happy so while she is a pillar of being "good" (hence the halo) it is not because she is doing it out of her own freewill and rather than she is letting this halo that should be on the top of her head bind her feet instead and not allow her to pursue happiness. In the video you can see that she is there with Dave in the trailer instead of spending time with Martin which is what makes her happy. That guilt has made it to where she cannot move.

At least that is how I have always taken the song.

Wow. In one paragraph, you just crystallized what this song means for me and to me--you've helped put into words why this song has resonated so deeply with me for years. I am that person used to being a "pillar of being 'good;'" I am that halo-seeker who is trapped by guilt because, as you write, isn't that the very nature of halo-seekers? To be easily trapped by themselves and their own guilt?

Thank you.