Lyric discussion by olen 

For me it's about a girl who's afraid of commitment and at the same time feels the frustrations from a guy who's always been there for her. She asks him a reason why he's the right one.

(All around me I see what weakness has made Too much tomorrow I think I'll take all today Am I a poison, Am I a thorn in the side Am I picture perfect subject tonight)

She has doubts of his intentions and afraid of getting hurt.

(Here I slumber to awaken my daze. I find convenience in this savior I save. Am I a prison, Am I a source of dire news. Am I a picture perfect reason for you).

She rejects him... kind of. Or simply tells him she's not ready.

(I don't need nobody I don't need the weight of words [To find the way] to crash on thru I don't need nobody I just need to learn the depth Or doubt of faith to fall into)

She questions herself: Do i really love the guy or am i just afraid to be alone?

(In this time of substitute It's my needs I've answered to (All the while) And the hope that I invest Still turns to signals of distress (All the while)

And yes she realizes she does have feelings for him after all but it's too late because she lets him go...

(You're all I need when the water runs deep. You're all i need. Now i cry myself to sleep.)

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