Lyric discussion by crossbones 

This is, I think, the 5th version of the lyrics for this song that I have seen posted across the internet. I don't think the true lyrics were or ever will be posted.

I have seen "Can't break from my disguise" posted as "Can't kill the bad disguise" and "Can't kill the bastard skies." Also, it's hard to hear, but after he says "It's where you come from", he says "The South." He says it very deep and low so it's almost lost in the guitar riff.

At the end of the song when he is repeating "It's where you come from" it sounds to me like he isn't repeating the same lyrics over and over. It sounds like the 2nd "It's where you come from" is actually "It's where you end up" or something very close to it. The 4th repeat does not sound like "It's where you come from" but at that point he is screaming very close to the microphone and I can't tell what he is saying.

To me, this song does deal with addiction, but may also deal with the shit he did while under the influence of weed, whiskey and who knows what else. The lyric where he says that "I fell in from of my friends...I dropped out in front of the world...You call that supernatural...It ain't" most likely talks about one or all of the times he died (I think he died at least twice). He was interviewed by these two assholes before a concert while he was touring with Superjoint Ritual. He mentioned that he has died before and that there was no light and he saw no angels or anything else that would hint at an afterlife.

When he says "It's where you come from" I'm pretty sure he is talking about his alcoholic father and how he was treated by him as well as the way that it has affected his life. His father was a bar owner so he probably saw people getting shit faced and doing stupid shit all the time.

"Black wings will weather your flight" - The Crow? (I seriously don't know what this lyric means, probably a vague reference to death)

"For some there's no second time" - He may be talking about a friend of his that died from a heroin overdose

"Following paths of your life" - He is probably talking about making good and bad decisions

"I stepped off the mountain to sky" - This lyric is either talking about dieing or the euphoric feeling you get after you shoot up with heroin

Overall, this is a badass song! This is one of my favorite songs from Pantera. This has some really awesome guitar work that makes me feel like learning how to play guitar so I can play this song really gritty and really loud. It's sad to think that there won't be anymore badassnes of this magnitude from these guys.

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