Lyric discussion by lunasol 

Personally, I think "Dying to know what's in your head... tell me is it my fault" is her talking to someone so sure of their own beliefs that she can't make sense of it. She wants to know why they think that way, how they got to that place, and if her questioning what they believed has pushed them to such an extreme that they can't get out of it. I think this is an extremely kind song, I think she's talking to someone who's first finding the gaps in their beliefs, she wants them to know that they're not alone, that others have gone through the same thing, and that she truly cares about them and will help them out. I think she might've before attacked this person for their beliefs, perhaps being so exapserated at their inability to see out of the box they're in, and she's sorry, and wants to know if she's part of the reason they're so angry and scared of new opinions. And she wants them to get ready, because usually when you ask the first question, take the first step, you get into new territory with so many new beliefs, and it can be terrifying. I don't think she's angry or yelling at God at all, I think she's talking to a friend who's scared and confused, and that she's sad and sorry, but wants to help.

I think it can be about religion, but it doesn't have to be. It's just about someone who's so sure the world is one way, but as their lives or their world gets more complicated they're realizing it's not that way at all. I don't think she had one specific thing in mind, it could be someone's relgious beliefs, or their surety that someone is in love with them, or a scientific theory that they've worked on their entire lives that is being completely disproved by new evidence. It's just about someone's universe growing to include things they're not prepared...

I think the shift from "Will you be ready" to "Will WE be ready" is hugely important. That's why I think this song is so kind, because in the last part she's throwing her lot in with this person, and agknowledging what she believs might be completely wrong, too. This first few times I thought that this song was about an enlightened person who's confident and strong and educated talking to a person holding onto the past and is confused and scared and angry, but really I think the speaker does have twinges of confusion. I think she realizes that...

This has to be the most insightful interpretation. I agree with you one hundred percent.

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