Lyric discussion by ElenSila 

Cover art for Les Crepés Aux Champignons lyrics by Olivia Ruiz

This is such a catchy tune, which belies the lyrics remarkably. I think this is from the perspective of a mother who refuses to believe that her young son is dead. She doesn't remember him leaving, she just knew he was no longer there one day, and starts starving herself: "Je me laisse mourir de faim" as she cries out the window to him to come back to the house, promising she will make him a crêpe aux champignons (his favourite food, perhaps?) and no longer touch a poignard. This is an old-fashioned rapier-like blade, and this could be the method by which he died?

The bridge shows that she has spent 606 days crying out of her window for him to come back, giving the same two promises again and again, and that the neighbors have spent that same time-span telling her to be quiet, that she is crazy, and that it was she who killed him. She doesn't believe them, and continues to believe he will come back.

This could be some other person, I guessed that the person in question is young, because in the midst of promising to make him some crêpes, and not touching a sword, she promises to do his homework for him "Promis, je ferai tous tes devoirs"