Lyric discussion by tdh1121 

Cover art for Walk lyrics by Foo Fighters

i think it's about finally getting a shot at something and taking full advantage of it, living in the moment, embracing life, TRIUMPH

one of the best on the new album, though it's very tough to choose

Song Meaning

Agreed. IMO, it's about finding true happiness in life, doing what you love, and doing something worthwhile. Don't wallow in your grief or past failures; embrace change and do something great. Learn to walk again, pick yourself up and learn to be yourself again. Don't let anyone change you or determine who you are. Its possible to get lost along the way, but just be yourself and do what makes YOU happy.

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In addition, since this album is clearly about time, itself, its almost as if Dave is saying, "Look, I've seen and been through a lot of shit in my life, but I've been able to move on and past all of that and do something great. You can too. Don't let the past haunt you and appreciate everything you've got. The past is the past, so leave it there. I'm not leaving, and I understand that every day is a previous gift that should be appreciated. I love life, and I don't ever want this ride to end."


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I think it's about trying to rewind back in time to find your true self, to where you were truly happy, where life was an absolute blast. Live one moment at a time. Be reckless. F*ck tomorrow. Forget all about the rules of society and the world you currently live in, do what makes you feel alive. Don't let others decide your fate in life, or let others stand in your way to living the life and being the person you want to be. Lose yourself, love your life. Take the risk of losing everything. Live a life worth fighting...

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