Lyric discussion by finnegan63 

I always thought previously that the lyrics sounded a complete load of nonsense when hearing the song, but reading them, I think there is a deliberate meaning, even if Simon le Bon didn't think about the song for too long: the "reflex" is about his inspiration, muse or philosophy, which is based on living for today, optimism (the lucky clover), taking risks, mystery (hiding all the cards), living the high life (he needed to sell the Renoir and the TV set), sex (treasure in the dark), some bright-eyed innocence (the only child in the park) and relying on reflex action rather than dwelling too long on things or being cautious.

I think this is probably the most accurate interpretation that is possible. While Duran admitted that the lyrics are nonsense and made up on the fly, if it was truly an automatic writing sort of situation, then it reveals Simon's mindset at the time, even if that wasn't his intention. In particular, it might illustrate his reaction to the need to write lyrics in a pinch.

Not my favorite DD song by a mile, but I appreciate it more after reading finnegan63's interpretation.

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