Lyric discussion by sputnix 

This is what I believe Gojira is trying to convey In the first verse the first line has a mechanical heartbeat, which could be machine in a hospital keeping the speaker alive, he's watching the "almighty tv" which has become apart of his brain [his life], and he realizes that he has spent a very long time sitting their when trying to keep an eye open [I believe the closing of the eyes is him dying] The second verse talks about how he has been given tons of stress [and probably dealt with it by watching tv] By the end he decides to leave the this world for the next, and leaving the materialism behind [I believe they are referencing the ancient Egyptian belief that pharaohs could bring their possessions with them if they are buried with them] as for the last verse I'm not quite sure and the part about he's the kind that kills all day could be video-games, he's a soldier, he watches fake and/ or real violence on tv and has become desensitized with death and that could be why he forgot how to die

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