Lyric discussion by southunder 

I'm absolutely sure that this song is full of references to Romeo and Juliet.... They're everywhere in the song, and in the video. Personally, I think the song is about the chick who cheated on Ronnie, he is angry and sad, and wants to kill himself, as stated before. However... the line about having blood on his hands, maybe he blames himself for what 'Juliet' did, rather than having hurt her himself. In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Romeo kills himself after finding out that Juliet has killed herself, not realising that she hasn't actually. Maybe "Romeo" did something that he feels caused "Juliet" to leave, or cheat on him, and maybe that hurt her as well, and he blames himself for it, hence the blood on his hands. I also think that the reference to russian roulette is metaphorical, perhaps addressing that life is chance, and fate will decide whether he wins or loses. The first verse is my favourite, I think that it addresses the relationship between the two, (the Montague and Capulet families, or Ronnie/Romeo and Juliet). The hurtful words from his enemies of the last five years could be what she said to him that hurt, or what other people said ABOUT him. The What's it like to die alone? could be about his loss, or to Juliet's loss. 'Blood in your veins is 20 below' I think is referring to the fact that she is cold blooded, or has no feeling. The verse 'so for now, take this down a notch, crash my car through your window. Make sure you're still alive, just in time to kill you' I don't think is literal, again, i think Ronnie/Romeo is saying that because of something that he did, probably accidently (crashed his car through her window, metaphorically), Juliet suffered for it, or made choices which hurt her. Making sure she's still alive because he still loves her, and just in time to kill her because maybe he won't forgive her. Thats my little explanation. :)

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