Lyric discussion by mlbriseno92 

This song automatically made me think of my ex-boyfriend and what he's been trying to tell me for a while. We've been back and forth for a couple of years now, but things got really bad near the end of our senior year of high school. We still talk and mess around. I still love him and I honestly feel like he's where I'm meant to be, but he says differently.

So I'm constantly trying to convince him to let us have another chance, but he keeps resisting (Give me any reason to believe.../Tell me that it's worth it.../'Cause my heart is somewhere else).

Now he's enlisted in the Air Force and is leaving in a couple of months for basic training to get out of this small town of ours ('Cause I swear I'm done here.../I gotta find my way out.../Trying to make this life my own...).

But recently, a situation has come up that's kinda forcing the both of us to grow up really fast, and he's caught between leaving me behind along with this town for good and owning up to our responsibility (It's hard to be a man, but I'm doing all I can...) because we're both pretty much still kids in a way.

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