Lyric discussion by missmalky 

I happen to be a Hassidic Jew (like Matisyahu) and happen to know that this song is right out out the teachings of Hassidic Jewdaism. The basic theme of the song is the fundamental of it's teachings, and the Rebbes' most majorly emphasized point, the anticipation of the Messianic era when the world will be a freer, happier, safer place to live. This actually is one of 13 fundamentals of Jewdaism in general, not only of Hassidic Jewdaism.

Thanks for sharing this. I think this tenet of Judaism is one of the noblest religious teachings there are. What I like even more about Hassidic Judaism as well as other types of Judaism is the emphasis on mitzvahs or good deeds to make the world as good a place as possible until the Messianic age comes. I believe all true and noble religions promote mitzvahs like this. As a result, I say kudos to any person practicing there religion in a compassionate and just way, including Hassidic Jews.

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