Lyric discussion by myopinion 

"Your heart felt good It was dripping pitch and made of wood"

^it feels good to love and be loved by this women, her heart feels good inside of him considering its a boat floating and sinking in his sea of blood. "it was dripping pitch" means whatever was keeping the wood waterproof is slowly disappearing, causeing her lover to let go and be able to sink within him; to fully blend into him, become one within

"And your hands and knees Felt cold and wet on the grass to me Well, outside naked, shivering, looking blue From the cold sunlight that's reflected off the moon"

^he is remembering making love, so simply and beautifully. not a care for anything but eachother. its just their bodies and their souls meeting, while the light shines on them, even in the night, its the real light that will shine on them; the sunlight. isaac brock relates real-light/sunlight to being the women he truly loves in the song "she ionizes & atomizes". sunlight reflects off of the moon which causes it to glow on earth at night, so by beingn in the moonlight(which is actually sunlight) is like being in real, honest love. the four lines above are so raw, and even though i hate being cold and wet, it sounds like the most beautiful place on earth.

"Well, a third had just been made and we were swimming in the water Didn't know then, was it a son, was it a daughter"

^they made love and it was not just the two of them anymore. "a third had just been made"=they created a child, not knowing then if it was going to be a boy of girl

"When it occurred to me that the animals are swimming Around in the water in the oceans in our bodies And another had been found, another ocean on the planet Given that our blood is just like the Atlantic"

^he remembers how beautiful this was, they made love and created another creature. this create was now swimming inside of her(like sperm swim..), and she was swimming inside of her lover because her heart is a ship inside of him. its very confusing, but its as if you are connected to the ones you truly love and create. since everyones blood is an ocean, and they just created another human being, well that new human being is another ocean.

"Well, the universe is shaped exactly like the earth If you go straight long enough you'll end up where you were And the universe is shaped exactly like the earth If you go straight long enough you'll end up where you were The universe is shaped exactly like the earth"

^i think this is just saying that lives goes on, after you die your soul will continue on, and reincarnate. but maybe he is saying it in not so much of a positive note..because no one wants to always end up where they were. we become a baby then grow up and eventually die and become an angel, but come back as a baby and do the same thing over and over again. personally i agree with this being a negative thing, why cant we just live our lives for what they are instead of waiting to make it to heaven and come back again?

"Baby cum angels fly around you Reminding you we used to be three and not just two"

^ here is where i believe this song also is about having a miscarriage. they were once three in one because the baby was never born and was just inside of her. but when the baby died inside of her they became just two. "baby cum angels fly aorund you" could mean she had an encounter with a ghost/angel which was once their baby.

And that's how the world began And that's how the world will end

^i think this just means that, like a circle, we never truly end, and therefore every moment can be both the begining and the end. its like saying life begins with death just as much as life ends with death.

"Everything that keeps me together is falling apart I've got this thing that I consider my only art of fucking people over"

^Everything he believes in is being proven wrong, by himself. its like, he wrote this song and it makes sense to him which is strange and weird to him because he had always not believed in god. i think he is saying that he believes in reincarnation even though he does not want to. isaac has written before in other songs, like "exit does not exist", about how he does not believe in god or having faith in religion. i think by writing about how god does not exist IS his art of fucking people over. i remember someone asking if they should still listen to modest mouse after realizing "exit does not exist" was about isaacs disbelief in god, to them it fucked them over cause they really enjoyed the music but still wanted to have faith. so maybe when he wrote this song he realized something that caused him to question everything that has held him together, which was his music.

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