Lyric discussion by jonjondecoder 

Roll over baby The time has come To make a little bit more room I’ve hung around you It’s getting tough I think I’m gonna break down soon Cuz I remember Crying in the park It was getting dark Suddenly I looked up You were my sky

So go on And sleep darlin Why don’t you pretend we were just a dream It’s cool baby It doesn’t matter anyway Well I’m so sorry We got to the station a little too late Such a shame We just missed the train We just missed the train

Be quiet angel ( Don’t make a sound Save it for a rainy day Oh can’t you see me I’m such a mess Trying hard to find my way Do you remember wasting all the time We were feeling fine Though we couldn't walk a line, We were all right

So go on And sleep darlin Why don’t you pretend we were just a dream It’s cool baby It doesn’t matter anyway Well I’m so sorry We got to the station a little too late Such a shame We just missed the train

Oh why'd that train just pass us by Didn’t anyone see we were stuck at the light And we would've made it on time

Yeah Yeah Yeah

So sleep darlin Why don’t you pretend we were just a dream It’s cool baby It doesn’t matter anyway Well I’m so sorry We got to the station a little too late And sleep darlin Why don’t you pretend we were just a dream It’s cool baby It doesn’t matter anyway Well I’m so sorry We got to the station a little too late Such a shame We just missed the train

^ real lyrics.

Either they got into a car accident and the boy died. Just missed the train symbols = comittment or (Kelly wrote another song called After The Love) Which is about a relationship she ends because of her career. May be it means, they both have different futures? They were inlove but had different dreams?

Idk, you decide. "We couldn't walk a line. We were alright." could resemble being drunk and being pulled over. Plus, "Be quiet angel don't make a sound. Save it for a rainy day." I have some belieth he died in a car accident. Also the bridge convinces me.. he died too.

But, those are the real lyrics. You decide..

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