Lyric discussion by DjMosy 

sad sad people. almost every song nowadays has a double meaning nowadays to please both sides of the spectrum - the ones who don't want it to be about Christianity - and the ones who do. THE SONG PLEASES BOTH OF YOU - The Myriad achieved that goal - congratulate them, theyre a great bunch. Considered Christian? Go on their myspace and read about their drummer dying from cancer - they talk about their Savior Jesus Christ. I don't think they "consider" themselves Christian, they are.

Now for the song meanings (watch the music video on youtube). I'm just gonna look at the Christian point of view, go ahead and condemn me for this, you might figure out the meaning of the song by doing this.

Lyrically i believe this song is talking about how God calls out for us and tries to reach us no matter where we are or what we're going through in our lives, but when someone falls away from God alot of "Christians" go and condemn those people as if they were never in that position themselves. Notice in the music video the little creatures talking about the "monster" in their woods are little monsters themselves - also living in the woods where no one will see them. They think just because someone looks or acts a little different than they do they're monstrocious and need to be rid of.

We're all little monsters and we all mess up - that's the whole mystery of this world. NO ONE IS PERFECT - if we were perfect or achieved anything on our own we wouldn't need Jesus. Some people think they're so holy that all they do is look at others in disgust. We're all fallen, and we all need God, and he watches ALL of us - and not just SOMETIMES when we're living the best part of our lives - but even when we're doing disgusting things in secret. He sees all our deeds, not just how we're living RIGHT NOW, but ALL the time. He calls to us no matter which part of life we're going through.

Would you say so if you thought of Him? (or reject Him?) Would it crush you if saw Him on the cross? (or do you not need Jesus right now?) Would you "dance" the same if you knew he was watching? (ALL THE TIME) Do you love Him the same in return? (That's all He wants from us) After-all, everyone knows it takes two to tango

Bravo! The end repeat of the chorus, no doubt, has a strong latent meaning. This song is most definitely about the speaker's (or us in general's) relationship with Our Savior. Terrific song! How sad that people cannot see that and want to pass it off for something less meaningful.

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