Lyric discussion by Lostcauz707 

The song is about Orwell's philosophy that if you lie to people and use that as control that you can make people believe anything, such as 2+2=5. The idea of the song is that the people who are under control feel safe in their lies, and the authority controlling them keeps lying to make them feel safe. The authority figure then changes their ideas from just wanted to get attention, to believing their own lies, as Hitler did. The beginning of the song is about the safety the people feel, the middle is about how the person who is authority doesn't feel like they are getting the attention they deserve even though they have people under such control they feel they need more. The end of the song is about the authority actually believing their own lies and joining those who believe them as well, as in the line "Don't question my authority or put me in the box". The box being the people the figure has control over. Then at the end the lie to "tell the king the sky is falling in" makes the authority figure believe the lies of the impossible because he has succombed to believing they world he made, that is a lie, exists, and believes the imagination of those he created. The entire ending verse is him trying to fight the lies by knowing the truth, and then at the end thinking maybe, instead of knowing they are not.

Orwellian quote is evident here

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