Lyric discussion by pjfsupertramp 

This is what Ezra said about the song in his Track-By-Track guide to "Contra", to NME:

"It’s the first song that I’ve sang entirely in falsetto and the vocal feels more exposed because of that. It’s a conversation between two people and the way they’re using the word ‘contra’ is to say, “You’re the opposite of me.”

Say you break up with your girlfriend and suddenly you feel like they’re a totally different person to you, but obviously that’s not the whole story because at one point you felt very tender towards them. We have so many signals in our life telling us to make decisions between two things, but usually it’s not as simple as that. Some people would say a choice between two things is no choice at all.

We thought of calling the album 'Contra' before this song was even written — to me it makes perfect sense as the title of this album because in some way every song has something to say about being forced into a dichotomy, that every choice is always either A or B.

You can apply it to politics, culture, religion or personal relationships. We’re fighting against the dumbing down of choice."

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