Lyric discussion by 60_miles_an_hour 

I believe this song is about the human races' over-consumption and over-exploitation of the Earth (the music video also complements this idea). "We walk the plank with our eyes wide open" indicates that you are KNOWINGLY walking to your death, you are aware of it. So to apply it to the topic, we as a species are knowingly destroying the Earth and walking to our deaths because of it - the Earth does not have an endless supply of resources. Even the idea of peak oil in the 70's caused a stir because people actually believed that oil would "never run out".

De Backer's lyrics seem to refer to people (in Governments, scientists) who have tried to get others to chance their way of thinking or providing scientifically sound data for what is happening, such as climate change/global warming. But as he says "they were only words/they didn't add up" he's saying that everyday people didn't understand what was being said, therefore they don't believe it. He continues on by saying that by NOT consuming we're not being HUMAN, and why should I make a change to my lifestyle if my neighbour isn't, for example?

Very powerful message once you break it down, almost a protest. I also really like Wally's new music style thus far, and am looking forward to hearing more from him soon :D

(P.S. If anybody has any lyric corrections they'd like to make, PLEASE let me know! I transcribed these myself and I bet you anything they're not 100% correct! :P)

While my interpretation is certainly quite similar to yours, I actually ended up redefining how I understood the chorus, "We walk the plank with our eyes wide open."

hey there i think your comment is spot on! I have an oral essay on this song, its about texts to do with protest and issues. I feel this is the perfect song for it! By the sounds of what you wrote you really know what this songs about, would you help me? Just maybe write more on this song and making deeper links into it. Please! It would be much appreciated :)

There's a mistake in the lyrics on this line:

"You'll want to make a change if you won't"

I'm not sure what the line says exactly, but it's closer to what the other commenter wrote in their lyrics: "and why'd I make a change if you won't?"

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