Lyric discussion by chicagogrooves 

I think it's about a scam ! Go to the restaurant in the nicest clothes you've got, the suits come in in a limo - go up and shmooze with them a bit, to create the impression that you're with them. Then bail out, and stick them with the bill ! 'Its just one bill, they'll tack it on' Then hang out on the fire escape, drinking what you got left till you pass out ! Sounds like a night I wish I could have had with them !

I hadn't thought about that angle, you must be a very devious person ;)

But "I've been feeling down, since the suits got back in town" makes me think there is a more permanent relationship with the suits.

I do like your interpretation, though, and would also like to participate in that little bit of... um... "social engineering" with these guys!

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