Lyric discussion by Farenyth 

Cover art for Famine Affair lyrics by of Montreal

Though I'm still unsure as to it's meaning, but I interpret the lyrics as Barnes talking to his mind, or his analytical and controlling self.

My Interpretation

A lot of their lyrics seem to make oblique references to meth use. If you listen to Skeletal Lamping, so many of the lyrics are bizarre and overtly sexual, which goes hand in hand with meth use. "I'm calling your ass up at 3 in the morning saying wake up young dragon (meth smoke), let's go get compromised." The hour of the night seems to suggest that too.

Anyway, it would seem like this album, he's off the meth and this is someone he did it with and he wants to push her away. The part of not being...

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Er, hour of morning. Der.

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I was thinking the same thing. The song name itself can be attributed to meth (affair that causes a famine).

"Wish we weren't so complicated/wish you weren't so medicated" could be a reference to the fact that meth is available as a medication under the name Desoxyn.

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