Lyric discussion by tupyornottupy 

Cover art for This Night Has Opened My Eyes lyrics by Smiths, The

I believe that this song is somehow related to Christianity. It appears that Morrissey is criticizing the blind faith that some people have, believing that by the act of following Jesus, everything would work out.

"In a river the colour of lead immerse a baby's head"

Reference to the practice of baptism, the initiation of the Faith

"wrap her up in the News Of The World dump her on a doorstep, girl"

After being 'saved', the baby is neglected

"a grown man of twenty-five he said he'd cure your ills but he didn't and he never will

This man, Jesus, made promises that Morrissey believes were not true.

"so, save your life because you've only got one"

He reminds her of the condition of life - its ephemerality, and the need to not waste it with fake beliefs.

"The dream is gone but the baby is real"

Not believing anymore, she is free, recognizing life and its reality.

"oh you did a good thing she could have been a poet or, she could have been a fool"

He approves her decision and shows the duality between a 'poet', someone superior that overcome faith. And a 'fool', the believer.


Well, all of it could be just nonsense, but I want to share my interpretation with you guys. :)

@tupyornottupy at the age of 25 Jesus wasn't preaching yet.