Lyric discussion by Kerik 

Cover art for You and Tequila lyrics by Kenny Chesney

I think Geman's view is one way of looking at it, and I agree the lyrics could be interpreted that way; that essentially he's obsessed about an unrequited love.

On the other hand, this also seems like it could be about drug addiction. He's kicking "dust" in the canyon wind after went to get "high, high above the lights of town." Then he goes on to talk about it being poison in his blood, thirty days and thirty nights (rehab?) when the addiction almost won out over his attempts to break it. Ultimately, he says he just wants one more night (high) but knows one is one too many and one more would just kick the addiction into overdrive again. In the end, he knows if he uses the drug again the damage is done and seemingly acknowledges he will because "it's always your favorite sins that do you in."