Lyric discussion by batskiebat 

It's a great song. From a Florida review: " collision of adolescent petulance and carefree exuberance...A defiant Stonewall-esque snapshot of the dancefloor as a suddenly politicized battleground, the images of “boys kissing boys at the moment when the cops came” and “[holding] ground in a morality police state” stand as perhaps the only moment on Pins and Panzers evoking any kind of topical political fury. Squint a little, though, and the song becomes as much an homage to the original new wave era’s impeding sense of apocalyptic doom in an atmosphere steeped in sexual and nuclear paranoia. " --That makes sense, on Wiki search: Stonewall riots. Stonewall is a bar in Greenwich Village in NYCity. "The girls looked beautiful in blue." Are drag queens. So it's not quite all about adolescent rebellion. But it is a clash with the "morality police" in the lyrics who showed up at the Stonewall Inn gay bar to beat up, harass the patrons who got fed up with the morality police state and rioted against the cops.

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