Lyric discussion by blueberryheart 

When I first listened to this song, (a long time ago- I was single at the time), and I always referred to the "lonestar" as my other half who hasn't met me yet. And I always felt like the lyrics were about how two people are lonely and feel the same on the exact same time and are wondering where their other half is and they are lost in despair with this thought that they would give anything for the other person to find them (shine down on me). She is saying she doesn't care about the distance because she's that WILLING to make it work out and how she is WISHES/HOPES for a friggin sign to calm her impatience and loneliness. Because it sucks when you're in a rut about when you're going to meet someone already... especially if it's been a while since you've dated.

I think this song can be interpreted many ways. But that was how I always looked at this song .... and there was a point where I did have a crush and connected this song to them. Haha. I love music. It's so universal and that's what makes music BEAUTIFUL.

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