Lyric discussion by SMUSER17343194 

It took me about 5 listens of this song to get a nice, well-grounded opinion on it. Bare in mind that I am not, nor do I think I ever will be, a Sugarland fan. The vocalists accent is horribly thick, and I can't stand listening to her without a part of me cringing.

Listen 1: Okay, this isn't terrible, kinda catchy, I imagine the masses will love it. Listen 2: If they'd take out that really weird third verse, at least I think it's the third verse, it would be better. Listen 3: Okay, so maybe Jennifers accent seems extra thick on this song. And what the fucks up with that third verse? Who is she trying to immitate? Listen 4: The lyrics of this are really clicheted, and this song doesn't really add anything to this genre of music that I've not heard before, albeit in different foerms, of course. Motherfuck, that third verse is really getting on my fucking nerves. Listen 5: Dear Jesus, this is an abnoxious song. Get it away from me. Listen 6: Stop playing this useless piece of garbage, please! I'll do anything, just make it go away! Listen 7: D'you think if I held the manager of our radio station hostage, and demanded that they stop playing it, it would work?...

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