Lyric discussion by patquinnchin 

The most interesting aspect of the Garden of Eden story as told in Genesis, is that Eve, even though she is later portrayed as a Jezebel who ate the apple and made Adam join her in her wickedness, actually exercises far more intelligence and dignity than Adam.

The serpent goes to Eve, because it knows that (unlike stupid Adam), she is more likely to question God's decree and think for herself. When she is certain she will not die from the fruit and that wisdom is desirable, she eats the apple and shares it with her mate. She does not convince him to join her - the Bible simply states that she brought it to her husband and he ate it.

It's what happens next that makes the story (and this song) so interesting:

God asks Adam, "Where have you been?" Adam says, "Well I was naked, so I went to hide and cover myself." God replies, "Who told you that you were naked? Did you eat fruit from the forbidden tree." Adam, frightened, says, "Yes, I did. But! It's all Eve's fault. Because the woman you gave to be with me gave me the fruit, and I ate it." Implied, of course, that had Eve not deceived HIM, he never would have sinned.

Eve, of course, defends herself and blames the serpent for convincing her. Even so, Eve gets the brunt of the punishment with her child-bearing woes and the assertion that she will be ruled over by her husband, the same husband who was too naive and stupid not to question the apple and why his wife wanted to share it with him.

We all know the outcome. Banished from the Garden. Sent out to toil in the soil and suffer. Mortal now.

Obviously, this has already been mentioned, but "When I'm pushed, call it a fall and lay all the blame on me" is most likely a statement about how Eve was pushed into her fall from grace by the serpent, who appealed to her curiosity and convinced her to think for herself. But Adam, and later, a majority of men and priestly figures, will blame Eve for the fall of man, as if ignorance is really better than suffering because you must decide for yourself the distinction between good and evil.

"From where I'm standing, it's a long way down Up here, at the top of a building Top of a mountain, top of a crowd Watching all the people moving down there in their clothes It's like they're hiding, but there's nothing left That everybody doesn't already know"

From "where I'm standing" it seems like the narrator is standing from a high place both physically and spiritually - possibly from the Garden of Eden, although "top of a building" and "mountain" might be references to the Tower of Babel or Mt. Sinai - both sites in which conversation with God is possible or at least the goal.

Again, clothes is a reference to the nakedness that Adam and Eve realize upon eating the apple. They are hiding from God, like Adam, because they are ashamed. Yet they are clothed. Is it shame about what's under the clothes - under the skin - their souls? But "there's nothing left that everybody doesn't already know." This last line is hard for me to figure out. Is it a comment of the fact that humans, because of man's fall from grace, have knowledge?

But I don't think this song is necessarily a revenge song about how Eve will remember what Adam did to her.

Maybe the singer is upset with God? Perhaps she's asking God, as she's standing from his perspective (which of course is not the perspective all the "people moving down there" have), can you see me, your child, who you created to be a companion to lonely Adam (and if you notice there are two different accounts about how woman was made --- one says she was made from Adam's rib - the other claims they were made together equally in the image of God --- both imply that Eve is God's opus of creation - the final thing he gives birth to)?

Can you see me, your child, who you created, and then cast out of paradise because I wanted to have eyes of my own - knowledge and a perspective to decide for myself what to make of the world? God wanted to protect Adam and Eve - didn't think they could take knowing what's right and what's wrong unless He told them. How could you call it a fall? The snake told me you lied to me - that the apple wouldn't kill me, and it didn't. So how could you blame me? You were the one who put the snake there. You were the one created the tree.

Because the singer wants to remember what happened in the garden, but can't, it seems to me that she thinks God does not help guide his children - only tries to send them on detours. Hence the deal with the garden, since he purposely created the very things that led to the fall of man. Also, the lines: "I'm looking over miles and miles of highway signs Do you know how to get out when you run out of reasons"

She is looking at signs, but still can't find a way out, and asks God, but he won't tell her. And she can't remember it for herself, because it has been a long time since Eve was in the garden of Eden.

A complex song - more complicated than it looks at first. One of my favorites. Hope I provided some insight or at least got ppl thinking about the song...

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