Lyric discussion by andersmc 

My firt interpretation of this song was a girl had a coke problem and they couldn't be together because of this whole othe life she has. Eventually he decided he would just do with her to be with her. Things got messy and they got hurt.

Listening to the song over and over to pull from the emotion on top of the lyrics, I believe that his girlfriend is actually and always has been bi-sexual. She sleeps with a girl one night and tells him, and he struggles to get over it. The only way for them to be together is if he accepts that fact that she won't/can't stop being with the girl. She just want's everyone to chill out and accept her the way she is. ("I'd like to buy the world a coke, and lye here naked with my girl") Buying someone a coke, is like saying...relax, let it go, etc...lye here naked with my girl...just be who she is. Then he realizes that he loves her will fight to get over it or whatever, and just be with her, but maybe he took to long and it's too late, but he wont give up. "And she knows"

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