Lyric discussion by lexi0498 

it is about that perfect date every girl dreams about. they have a date where time like stops while they have the time of their life. and then they kiss and kno that there is magic there. the couple can feel the magic and it was love at first sight. and when it says it was a fairytale it means its every girls fairytale date. this song is super cute

I would normally never utter "super cute," but you are correct. It's super cute:) It's every girl's/woman's fantasy to have that first date with a guy you've loved from afar and the date ends up being better than you could ever have hoped/expected. I am old enough to remember those days when going to bed with someone was not the climax of the date; rather, a simple kiss on the cheek or on the lips followed by the excitment of wondering if he'd call the next day left the best of hope and anticipation....

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