Lyric discussion by pooomar10 

i dont think anything could back up the lyrics to this song more than this discussion. imagine just for one day that there was no religion to argue pointlessly about, no wars between countries, and no possessions for people to fight over. i defiently dont think john lennon was trying to say that there is no god, just as he was not saying that there is no war between countries, or that people are not fighting over possessions. if people would just stop trying to force what they believe is true down everyone else's throat then i beleive that this would could be a much more peaceful place. theres just some people that feel the need to make everything an argument but im gonna keep dreaming that maybe someday there will finally be peace.

You may say that I'm a dreamer, But I am not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, And the world will live as one.

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