Lyric discussion by startingfromrocks 

ok! heres my (totally wrong) analysis of this song::

A girl finds herself staying in a "red villa" in Fontanella, Austria (Fontanella is a bit like "fonatella"?). In the middle of the night there is a massive blizzard and she gets snowed in with the other guests, including a young gentleman with "no name, no details" who she ends up having an affair with out of boredom, but it ends up feeling "like the right stuff" ie: she falls in love with him. She finds out his name is "Tonio" and he works for the "MCA" (the marine and coastguard agency). Initially he is resistant to her advances, but in the end she "persuades" him. On "monday" and "tuesday" they can't leave the villa because of the snow so they make love all day ("to be a lover in the winter" and "sugar ice") and spend time "exclusively" with each other. On "wednesday" the snow thaws and they can leave the villa and the girl realises she doesn't like Tonio that much after all and says that she is "exclusively sorry" and that she's "not for you, for me" (kind of like "it's not you its me").

But i can't fit my favourite line "are you shadow smart?" into the story anywhere!

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