I can't believe it took 3 pages of comments before mmmmmm22 got the right meaning... I mean I know it sounds like a love song on the surface, but, hey, all heroin inspired songs do. Yes, brown-eyed Susan is type of heroin. Yes, heroin is often personified as a girl because it interacts the same parts of the brain as sex. Also, because the withdrawal symptoms set in 12-24 hours after the last dose, the addict is compelled to do it often and thus feels as if he/she has formed a relationship with the drug. MANY lines in the song allude to smack but here are just a few - "Down in the hollow, playin a new game"[depressant in a needle, experimenting with h], "our hearts a-thumping" [makes one's blood pressure rise], "going down to the old mine" [again, "down" as in depressant, and "old mine" double meaning-vein and place to shoot up], "slipping and sliding" [trying to find a vein].
No, I have never done heroin. Yes, I have read the wiki page and listened to my share of 70's music.
I can't believe it took 3 pages of comments before mmmmmm22 got the right meaning... I mean I know it sounds like a love song on the surface, but, hey, all heroin inspired songs do. Yes, brown-eyed Susan is type of heroin. Yes, heroin is often personified as a girl because it interacts the same parts of the brain as sex. Also, because the withdrawal symptoms set in 12-24 hours after the last dose, the addict is compelled to do it often and thus feels as if he/she has formed a relationship with the drug. MANY lines in the song allude to smack but here are just a few - "Down in the hollow, playin a new game"[depressant in a needle, experimenting with h], "our hearts a-thumping" [makes one's blood pressure rise], "going down to the old mine" [again, "down" as in depressant, and "old mine" double meaning-vein and place to shoot up], "slipping and sliding" [trying to find a vein].
No, I have never done heroin. Yes, I have read the wiki page and listened to my share of 70's music.