Lyric discussion by TheNeverFadingRain 

I don't necessarily see this song being about Peter Pan, but rather about Pandora's box..I think the song title "Dark Chest of Wonders" alludes to the idea of this box that's so mysterious. The "dark" I think goes back to the evils that were in this box and this is a "dark chest of wonders" because of the reason why Pandora opened the box: curiosity.

Fly to a dream Far across the sea All the burdens gone (the box has been opened and the evils have all escaped into the world...) Open the chest once more (the box was opened a second time...) Dark chest of wonders Seen through the eyes Of the one with pure heart Once so long ago (Pandora was born pure, but by disobeying Zeus and opening the box, she is not so pure anymore..also because of these evils, it made all humans immpure...)

I don't know if this is right, but this is what I think of any time I hear this song..

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